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Monday, March 18, 2019

Let the Child Choose Religion When They're Grown

Think deeper.  So how about not teaching a language to your child so they can decide what language they want to speak when they get older.  Live in a boat in the middle of the ocean so your child can choose what country he wants to live in when he grows up.

Parents make all kinds of choices for their children: schooling, sports, music, friends, pets, traditions,
etc.  But not something as important as religion? 

Don't be surprised if you don't bring up your child in a religion that he will choose no religion when he's an adult. 

1 comment:

Alberto Antonio, O.P. said...

I thought of raising my daughter in perfect silence so she could choose her own language and music when she was older. I was also tempted to not feed her, so could choose her own food.

In the end, I opted for whole-hog English, Spanish culture and Catholic, baptism, confirmation, first penance and Holy Communion.

She is still free, but she has perspective.

Marianne Cope

Today is a memorial for St. Maryanne Cope.  She was a religious sister who answered the appeal to care for the lepers on Molokai, Hawaii.   ...