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Friday, March 22, 2019

Apple Pie and Ice Cream

Back in the day, when I was a teenager, I thought my sister's boyfriend was everything a boyfriend should be. He told a joke that I didn't think was funny.  I laughed of course because well, he told it.   And for some reason, I've never forgotten it.  The joke goes something like this:

              A new immigrant who didn't know much English learned to ask for apple
              pie and ice cream, at the diner.  Every day he went to the diner, sat down,
             and when asked he'd respond with, "apple pie and ice cream."  This went
             on every single day.  "Apple pie and ice cream...."
              Eventually, our friend got tired of apple pie and ice cream and learned to
              order a hamburger.  The very first day he walked into the diner he sat down
              and when asked, he said, "a hamburger."  The waitress then asked him what
              he wanted on it.  The man looked confused and responded with "apple pie
              and ice cream."

I didn't think it was funny then, and I don't think it's funny now.

Well, the other day, my hubby asked me to buy a couple of lottery tickets.  I never play the lottery.  I didn't know what he was talking about  He taught me to say, "One Mega Millions and One Power Ball."  Easy peasy.

At the store, I approach the cashier and say perfectly, "One Mega Millions and One Power Ball."
But she asked me a question.  "What numbers?"

Apple pie and ice cream.

Now I get the joke.

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