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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ascension Novena

There is a treasury of novenas.  Since today is the solemnity of the Ascension of Jesus, I thought I'd start a novena.  You could make up your own prayers for nine days because that's what novena means or pray the novena to the Holy Spirit, starting tomorrow, but I want to start today.  So I am praying the Ascension Novena.  Pray along with me.


What joy the Apostles and disciples of Jesus must have felt when they saw Jesus ascend into heaven.  Where Jesus ascended in His physical body, so shall we.  They saw it happen right before their eyes!  I hope I will deserve to be united with Jesus in heaven.  May I receive the grace of courage and perseverance to keep to God's Commandments.  I love You Jesus, help me to love others as You love them. (Mention request)  Help me grow in holiness, Lord.

My Lord and God, make me joyful today.  May I follow Jesus into heaven, for His Ascension is my hope.  I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.  Amen

Remember pray for nine days.

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