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Monday, May 14, 2018

A Lay Dominican's Suitcase

My suitcase is empty.  I should be thinking of what to wear while I'm on retreat.  I'm packing to go on a few days retreat at the St. Francis Monastery in Kennebunk, Maine

So far my suitcase consists of books and my medicine.  Specifically, three days' worth of pills and my kindle, plus:

Liturgy of the Hours (Yes, I know I could have it on my Kindle or iPhone, but I have personal notations and holy cards and other meaningful, personal mementos interwoven between the pages of my LOH book.)  (How do you press a flower in a Kindle or iPhone?)

Treasury of Novenas (I continually pray a novena for friends and acquaintances in Purgatory.  Also, I'm in the middle of a novena leading up to Pentecost.)

The Case for Jesus by Brant Pitre (I somehow won this book {I forget why or how} from Catholic TV Network.)

Tiernan's Wake by Richard Rook (My fellow hiker, Mary Connor, gushed over this author, Richard T. Rook and told me to read it.  And she only gave me a week!)

My Dear Sisters by Fr. Jean-Gueullette, O.P. (I heard Sister Renata Camenzind, O.P. give a talk on my spiritual hero, Pere Jean-Joseph Lataste, and this book is the latest biography of the Apostle of Prisons.)

So what else should I pack?  What else do I need?

I know--pajamas.

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