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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Lost Tomato

This morning's Gospel was the one about the lost sheep.  Matthew 18: 1-5, 10, 12-14

Hold that thought.

I was harvesting the tomatoes you see in the above picture, just before noon, today.  They're all over the place, rotting on the vine.  There's big boys, plums, and cherry.  I don't know what to do with them all.

They cherry tomatoes are particularly abundant.  It was hot.  I could feel the sun burning my neck, shoulders and back.  I felt buggy and sticky with perspiration.  One particularly, well formed, deep red, tomato, fell just as I touched it.  It tumbled to the ground, partially covered by all the vines, and leaves.

I thought of this morning's Gospel about going after the lost sheep and forgetting about the 99 others.  I looked at that the lost tomato.  Then I looked at my full basket of tomatoes.

I thought some more.

I'm not Jesus.

To hell, with that one tomato.  I've got more than 99.  

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