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Monday, August 20, 2012


The Crypt


A pungent yet sweet smelling
waft of incense.  The worshipers
chant response.  Words loving
God rise up to heaven.

The monstrance sparkles in
the candle light.  A lone
voice intones Tantum ergo
sacramentum veneremur cernui.

The priest with a voice clear
and deep is singing Benediction.
The altar server tenderly
holds the priest's humeral veil.

Worshipers respond
to the everlasting Father
honor, blessings, glory,
endless praise and adoration.

A pungent yet sweet smelling
waft of incense.  Worshipers 
chant response.  Words loving
God rise up to heaven.

h/t The Preacher Poets 2009, p. 93.

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