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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Plea to my Cardinal Archbishop

To His Eminence Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley, OFM, Cap,

Your grace, please tell me it "ain't so." I have been defending you against your critics who accuse you of "being in the abortion business." This arrangement between Caritas Christi and CeltiCare is causing worry and puzzlement. I feel like I am defending a "straw man." Why won't you speak out and explain what is going on; why won't you defend yourself; why won't you just shut up all these "murmurantees?"

You have told us that Caritas is joining the Celtic Group, Inc. (subsidiary of Centene Corp), but Centene allows abortion and contraception in its coverage. You also know that Caritas won't do abortion or distribute "morning after pills, etc.", but referring people to those services is complicit. It's hypocritical. It's giving scandal. It's a sin.

You have made statements acknowledging that the agreement needs fine tuning. But the contract starts July 1st. How is Caritas' involvement justified? Please address these issues.

I pray for you, daily. I'm on your side, but I do wish you were more open with your line of thinking. I am beginning to feel foolish defending you.

In Omnibus Christi,
Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P.

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