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Monday, June 8, 2009

Daughters of St. Paul Vocation Retreat

Daughters of St. Paul Vocation Retreat
for High School-Aged Women:
Live, pray and work with the Sisters!
Eucharistic Adoration, mission, sharings, media skills,
presentations on religious life

July 6-11 at Daughters of St. Paul Motherhouse in Boston
For application form, please contact Sr. Margaret Michael
617-435-1879 OR

Ever wonder if religious life is for YOU?
Here’s a chance to find out!
COME AND SEE with Daughters of St. Paul
August 10-13, 2009 -------

WHAT: discernment, prayer, presentations, silence, sharing

WHO: Women 18-30 discerning a religious vocation (from USA / Canada)

WHEN: MONDAY, August 10—THURSDAY, August 13, 2009

WHERE: Daughters of St. Paul 172 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL

CONTACT: Sr. Margaret Michael, fsp 617-435-1879 OR

Year for the Priest: June 2009--June 2010

Sr. Helena Burns, fsp
Daughters of St. Paul / Pauline Books & Media
172 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60601 USA
facebook: helena burns
twitter: SrHelenaBurns
skype: helena.burns.fsp
Publishing House / Vocations / Spanish:
Movie Nights, Women's Book Club, Bible Studies, Theology of the Body:

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