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Monday, June 29, 2009


Yvonne use to work with me. Due to budget cuts, she was "laid off." When she was cleaning out her desk, I asked her about her plants. They were on the windowsills. Both were orchids, but only one had bloomed. All winter Yvonne shook her head over the one that wasn't blooming and said she was going to throw it out. I never wanted to because it was still a vibrant green healthy plant. Anyway, she left both plants.

This morning I was pleasantly surprised to see that it had not one, but two beautiful flowers.

And it was almost trashed!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lay Clericalism

Definition: IMHO Any lay-initiated change in church direction, claiming as proof of validity, "In the spirit of Vatican II." It demands unquestionable allegiance. It claims to be caring, even scriptural, with a derisive tone toward any Magisterial reference.

To differ, or object, or offer an opposing opinion, either falls on deaf ears or makes you an object of ridicule.

So be it.

St. Catherine of Siena, pray for me.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thank You Cardinal O'Malley

On June 16, I made a plea to Cardinal O'Malley to do the right thing regarding the merge between Caritas Christi and Cetrene Corp (CeltiCare). The concern was that Caritas would be referring women to CeltiCare for abortions. Just merging with them would be complicit.

July 1 was the date to merge. American Life League began an aggressive campaign to expose the scandal to a nationwide audience and alert the Cardinal of the possibility of complicity occuring under the terms of the deal.

Cardinal O'Malley took definitive action and cancelled the agreement. Praise God! I knew he'd do the right thing. Please write a thank you to our Cardinal Archbishop.

Cardinal O'Malley
66 Brooks Drive
Braintree, MA 02184-3839


The best part of being a Lector is making God present in the liturgy of the word for the rest of the congregation. At least I try to make God present. I throw myself into it. I also like the feeling of being part of a "team", so to speak. A team that ministers to the people: cantor, choir, ministers of the Eucharist, and the priest.

What I don't like about being a Lector is being surprised when I come up to the ambo to pray the Intercessory Prayers. The Church is full, whereas there were only a few people when I read the Liturgy of the Word. Sigh....I suppose I should be glad people come for the Eucharist.

I don't like the "noise." Sometimes I can't pray because I think I'm in Filene's Basement.

I do like the prayerful expressions on people's face at Communion. I like to see people pray.

Friday, June 26, 2009


OK. I can take a hint. I walked with a new person, tonight. Marianne doesn't join the group that often, but she came tonight. We walked around the Common about a zillion times. We didn't want to walk far because a thunder storm was threatening.

Marianne told me that her husband died 10 years ago. It was like Linda's death, and Father Angelo's. All died within weeks of being diagnosed with cancer. It's worth pondering the fragility of life.

So....if all things have a purpose, then what was the purpose of my meeting Marianne tonight and listening to her story? I think her husband needs prayers.

He's added to my Novena for the Souls in Purgatory.

BTW, we walked for an hour and it never did break out into a thunderstorm.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Do You Tweet?

If you use Twitter, set your location to Tehran & your time zone to GMT +3.30. Iranian security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut down Iranians' access to the internet. Cut & paste & pass it on.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Adopt A Priest


Am sure, that you are already aware that we have began the year of the priest on the 19th of June 2009 on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for one year. There is a wonderful opportunity to be part of this year by praying for at least one priest throughout the year. please go through the details below and do the needful. May god Bless you.

Year of Priests Special

Spiritual adoption of priests!

Priests are the greatest benefactors of humanity because it is through them that Christ continues to re-enact his unique sacrifice for the salvation of humankind. It is through them that he extends his forgiving hands and opens his heart full of Divine Mercy. Called to be the living monuments of Christ’s love in the world today, the priests spend their whole life, for God and His people. They need prayer support to live heroically their priestly commitment and mission in today's challenging world.

Spiritual adoption consists in offering up of prayers and sacrifices, during this year of priests, for a specific priest who will be assigned to you. Sign up by sending an email to if you or your family would like to adopt a priest spiritually.

The priest whom you adopt will pray for you in return. More details will be provided on request when you sign up.

The aim of this ministry is to strengthen the sanctity of priests through spiritual adoption by religious and lay people. We want to let every Catholic priest of the world know that someone has adopted him spiritually during this year of priests (June 19, 2009 to June 19, 2010) declared by Pope Benedict XVI.

Please pass this message to all your catholic contacts, the priests, religious and lay people you know and invite them to sign up at the earliest. You too can become an apostle for priests.

people you know and invite them pray for a priest. You too can become an apostle

for priests.

Fr.T.C.George sdb
Adopt a Priest Ministry
Visvadeep, Kristu Jyoti College
K.R.Puram, Bangalore – 36

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dominique Green

I just finished reading A Saint On Death Row, The Story of Dominique Green, by Thomas Cahill. I don't know whether I liked it, or not. I don't know whether to recommend it, or not. I don't know what to think. Odd! It's strange because I can't stop thinking about it.

I'm surprised that the author, Thomas Cahill would write such an obviously subjective book. Cahill is the author of How the Irish Saved Civilization, The Gifts of the Jews, etc.. I consider him as giving scholarly objective views. A Saint on Death Row, from the "get go" paints Dominique as an innocent victim of society.

Yes, Dominique had a terrible upbringing. Hell! so do a lot of people, and they don't turn to crime. He didn't get out that environment. He got too caught up in it before he even wanted to get out. What happened......happened. Was he guilty? You never know.

What interested me was his transformation, inside prison. I loved that. I've seen it myself. I think that maybe some people, for the first time in their lives, have structure. Improbably, they also have opportunities. Yes, opportunities! They actually have the time, without being doped up, or drunk, to consider their lives. There are also opportunities to learn from others, programs offered, and to meet God. Ah, yes........God.

You have to be quiet to hear His voice.

Dominique did hear that whisper. He was transformed. That was a good story, but not the one that is staying with me. I couldn't get over the fact that this country, the U.S.A., is one of the few civilized countries that still have the death penalty; along with Iran, Iraq, China and some other non Christian countries. Yikes! We're aligned with them! Deplorable.

It doesn't really matter whether Dominique was guilty or not. The fact is he ended up on Death Row because he was black and poor. Ha! Not having a good lawyer is the determining factor in all too many cases.'s time to overhaul our justice system. I know that true justice is not found in this world. But it's time.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today, at MCI Norfolk, I attended the Confirmation of six men. Retired Auxiliary Bishop Emeritis George E. Rueger, of Worcester confirmed the men. It was a very happen occasion.

Bishop Rueger enjoyed the music. He said he'd like to take them "on the road." He was sincere because he said that he's been all over the US and this choir and music has them all beat.

Mass, as usual, at Norfolk, was Tri-lingual. Afterwards, the Dominican Sacred Movement Group performed. It was special, because this was Jean's last dance. He's going back to Haiti, next Saturday. The entire performance was tastefully done. It was a scriptural prayer, "Come, Holy Spirit."

There was time for pictures, after everything. A little collation was even offered. That's the first time I ever was offered food, there. I was impressed.

A beautiful day, all in all.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Year of the Priest

I have been asked to spread the word.

19 June 2009 TO 19 June 2010

Worldpriest has organised four Masses to be celebrated June 19 at 3 pm local time in Sydney, Australia, Kerala, India, Knock Shrine, Ireland, New York City, USA. Celebrants will be George Cardinal Pell, Fr. Sebastian Koodappattu OCD, Archbishop Michael Neary, and Monsignor Michael Curran. respectively

Additionally, to mark the World Day of Prayer for Priests and the beginning of the Year of the Priest On Sunday 21 June, Mass will be celebrated in the RTE National TV studios by Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne; President of Saint Jarlath’s College, Tuam. Music will be provided by the Classicus Youth Chamber Choir, directed by Maire Ledwith Butler, with organist Ronan Murray.

Worldwide live broadcast will be at 11:15 am Dublin time on RTE One National Television. This will be available for viewing the following week on

The Worldpriest organisation, with offices in Dublin Ireland and New York, USA have designed a new logo to celebrate the Year of The Priest, which is available free to use through

Worldpriest also developed a Catholic Identity Card for their wallets in the event of an emergency asking that a priest be called. It is also a reminder to pray for our priests in this Year of The Priest.

“It must be a year that is both positive and forward looking in which the Church says to her priests above all, but also to all the Faithful and to wider society by means of the mass media, that she is proud of her priests, loves them, honours them, admires them and that she recognises with gratitude their pastoral work and the witness of the their life. Truthfully priests are important not only for what they do but also for who they are.’’ —Cláudio Cardinal Hummes Prefect, Congregation for the Clergy.

"Faithfulness of Christ, faithfulness of priests" is the theme of the Year for Priests announced by Pope Benedict XVI, according to a statement from the Holy See Press Office.

Worldpriest is a not-for-profit organization which offers on-line resources to priests and promotes the World Day of Prayer for priests annually.


Worldpriest Inc. USA: 15th Floor / 410 Park Avenue / New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 231-8265 / Fax: (212) 751-3500 / E-mail
† † †

Worldpriest Europe: St.Mary's / Bloomfield Ave. / Morehampton Road / Donnybrook / Dublin 4 Ireland Tel: 00 353 1 2314600 / Fax: 00 353 1 2315202 E-mail

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Archbishop J. Augustine DiNoia, O.P.

Woo Hoo!! \0/ \0/ \0/

The Holy See has announced that my brother, Very Rev. Augustine DiNoia, OP, has been appointed Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Fr. DiNoia had served the Holy See as Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

As is customary, Fr. DiNoia will be consecrated as an Archbishop, to serve in his role as Secretary of the Congregation. He will be made the titular archbishop of Oregon City. His ordination will be on Saturday, July 11, 2009 (the Memorial of St. Benedict) at 2:00pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC.

This is an honor, not only for the very Rev. DiNoia, but for Dominicans, Americans, and the Angelicum.

Deo Gratias.

Omnibus Christi.

Plea to my Cardinal Archbishop

To His Eminence Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley, OFM, Cap,

Your grace, please tell me it "ain't so." I have been defending you against your critics who accuse you of "being in the abortion business." This arrangement between Caritas Christi and CeltiCare is causing worry and puzzlement. I feel like I am defending a "straw man." Why won't you speak out and explain what is going on; why won't you defend yourself; why won't you just shut up all these "murmurantees?"

You have told us that Caritas is joining the Celtic Group, Inc. (subsidiary of Centene Corp), but Centene allows abortion and contraception in its coverage. You also know that Caritas won't do abortion or distribute "morning after pills, etc.", but referring people to those services is complicit. It's hypocritical. It's giving scandal. It's a sin.

You have made statements acknowledging that the agreement needs fine tuning. But the contract starts July 1st. How is Caritas' involvement justified? Please address these issues.

I pray for you, daily. I'm on your side, but I do wish you were more open with your line of thinking. I am beginning to feel foolish defending you.

In Omnibus Christi,
Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm just a party animal, I guess. I've been to so many graduation parties, receptions, welcomes, installations, etc.. One more to go--Fr. Dave's Mass of Installation. Then that'll be it. On wait! Father's Day. And don't forget Karen's Wedding Shower, and of course



Saturday, June 13, 2009

Temporary Promises

Those in the Dominican Laity, that have finished their Noviate, may make "promises," not unlike the same promises we make for life. However, these promises are not for life. They mean that one is still discerning a vocation to LFSD (Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic).

Today, I was blessed to witness the Temporary Promises of three friends, in the Hope of Bethany Pro-Chapter. John, Dottie, and Jan are friends I've met through prison ministry.

John, just fell into the LFSD. He lives in the same town that the Hope of Bethany Pro-Chapter meets--St. Theresa Church's, Sherborn, MA. He saw an advertisement about the chapter and attended a meeting just because he was curious. He's been there, ever since. Before he met St. Dominic, he was attracted to Carmelite spirituality. In fact, within five minutes of meeting John, we were deep in discussion about St. John of the Cross and his poetry. John writes poetry, also.

Dottie became involved partly through her daughter, Ellen. Ellen is in music ministry and is involved with prison ministry. Dottie sometimes accompanies Ellen. Once she came with Ellen to the Hope of Bethany Pro-Chapter, her interest was peaked. Of course, through her studies in formation, she found a true path.

Jan and her husband, Deacon Richard Vaughn, were interested in prison ministry. However, my chapter, the prison chapter, Our Lady of Mercy Chapter, met at an inconvenient time for them. So they joined our satellite, Hope of Bethany Pro-Chapter. Jan's beloved husband, Rich, died a couple of years ago. May he rest in peace.

When the Holy Spirit wants you; you can't stop it.

May John, Dot, and Jan continue on their Dominican journeys. May they find their own path to eternal salvation and work towards helping others find theirs.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Living in a Glass House

Last night, Dominican Study Group had another session with Doc and Steve and their Facing History and Ourselves Workshop, and again the discussion was invigorating. It always is.

Tonight, we worked on forgiveness, mercy, reconciliation, restorative justice, and what all those ideals entail. We began by reading John 8: 1-11. Then we paired up and discussed the story with a partner, followed by a general discussion.

Zephus and I thought John 8: 1-11 too unrealistic to be true. I recalled children coming to me and telling me "Sonny stole your cigarettes and is smoking them behind the garage..." No way telling them to forgive him because they sin too, would satisfy them. As adults when people come to you with tales of wrongdoing...would they be satisfied with reminding them of their own wrongdoing. Also, pharisees et al were use to arguing, no way would they let Jesus off the hook with a diversion technique. They would have held His feet to the fire: "We're not talking about our sins. We're talking about this women caught in sin!"

So, if the story isn't true, what is it's purpose? That's obvious. It's very theme is carried throughout the New Testament. It was written as an example of Jesus' new Law. Love trumps retribution: forgiveness not Mosaic Law.

What do we learn from John 8:1-11? The obvious observation is that they only have one perpetrator of the crime. Where's the man? It is this omission that told Zeph and me why the crowd dispersed as they did. This was a trick. The pharisees set this woman up, therefore they were accessories to the crime, which makes them even more guilty than the woman. The Old Testament tells us to punish both adulterers Deut. 22:22.

This was a set up and Jesus knew it. What Jesus wrote in the sand isn't important. Most of the crowd couldn't read. Maybe he wrote Jewish law that condemned duplicity and the Pharisees could read it. Maybe Jesus just doodled letting the situation settle in the crowd's minds. Whatever was drawn on the ground wasn't as important as what Jesus said: "Whoever among you is without sin!!!!!!! This is directed to the Pharisees and those who were trying to set Jesus up. They in conniving this situation were worst sinners than the woman.

Let those who were in the planning of this "set up" cast the first stone. Yikes, not even the Pharisees would throw a stone because they in their sin would likewise be calling for prosecution and condemnation for their part in this ruse. When the Pharisees realized the implications of what Jesus was saying, and he gave them time to meditate on it by doodling in the sand. They had no defense. They had to turn away. They walked away.

Without leaders, the crowd gradually dispersed.

The entire New Testament is an elaboration of John 8: 1-11.

In the general discussion I learned that Jesus gave the woman divine forgiveness. She didn't ask for forgiveness, verbally. She acknowledged him as "Lord." He, Himself, the Son of God will pay the penalty for her sins (and ours). She is us; we sin. We are caught by God's justice, we deserve death but Jesus has delivered us.

Doc then showed us a DVD, "Facing the Truth," by Bill Moyers. We saw some of the testimonies of the victims of apartheid in South Africa. They were testifying before Archbishop Tutu and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Need I tell you that their stories were tales of the worst of the human capacity for evil. The depth of the depravity was/is shocking/overwhelming. How do you heal from that? How can one forgive? How do you move on? But that was exactly the purpose of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. And for the most part, they succeeded. It had to be tried and for that alone, it was a success.

The injustice and depravity and evil had to be confronted. Plunging into the would of hurt AND ALSO "guilt," had to addressed. What was the alternative--pretending that the past hadn't happened? That would have been a festering wound.

The Archdiocese of Boston should take a lesson from this. Still reeling from "Sex Scandals and Abuse of Power," it is perceived that our Cardinal Archbishop is in the "abortion business". But this is not about the joining of the Caritas Christi Health Care System to the Centene Corporation (provides abortion, and sterilization procedures).

Sorry to digress. Archbishop Desmond Tutu was the chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Tutu made sure the past was heard, acknowledged, and then reverenced by the nation. It was a nation that collectively grieved. A necessary process, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross would say.

Forgiveness begins with facing the truth, not about forgetting. You can't forget. You forgive in spite of the wrong. Does reconciliation follow? That's the hope. At least, forgiveness is an element of reconciliation.

For we Catholics, forgiveness is a belief. Sin separates us from God and Absolution brings us back to Him.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Daughters of St. Paul Vocation Retreat

Daughters of St. Paul Vocation Retreat
for High School-Aged Women:
Live, pray and work with the Sisters!
Eucharistic Adoration, mission, sharings, media skills,
presentations on religious life

July 6-11 at Daughters of St. Paul Motherhouse in Boston
For application form, please contact Sr. Margaret Michael
617-435-1879 OR

Ever wonder if religious life is for YOU?
Here’s a chance to find out!
COME AND SEE with Daughters of St. Paul
August 10-13, 2009 -------

WHAT: discernment, prayer, presentations, silence, sharing

WHO: Women 18-30 discerning a religious vocation (from USA / Canada)

WHEN: MONDAY, August 10—THURSDAY, August 13, 2009

WHERE: Daughters of St. Paul 172 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL

CONTACT: Sr. Margaret Michael, fsp 617-435-1879 OR

Year for the Priest: June 2009--June 2010

Sr. Helena Burns, fsp
Daughters of St. Paul / Pauline Books & Media
172 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60601 USA
facebook: helena burns
twitter: SrHelenaBurns
skype: helena.burns.fsp
Publishing House / Vocations / Spanish:
Movie Nights, Women's Book Club, Bible Studies, Theology of the Body:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trinity Sunday

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is pretty special to me. In fact, the name I chose to inspire and dedicate myself to is the Blessed Trinity. My religious name is Sister Faith in the Blessed Trinity. Coincidentally, I recently learned (thank you Sister Vivian, RJM)that my great Aunt Blanche's religious name was Mother Mary of the Trinity.

I love the fact that we are celebrating a doctrine and not an event or a saint. That makes it a special day. Today we honor God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

History shows us that the Trinity is controversial. Not every religion is Trinitarian. And I can see that the concept of three distinct persons into one is mind boggling. But so is quantum physics. What of it? What good would be a religion without mystery. And by mystery, I don't mean puzzle, but rather beyond comprehension. If you understood God, would He still be God?

It has been said that mystery is not a wall to run up against, but an ocean in which to swim. The common wisdom is that if you talk about the Trinity for longer than a few minutes you will slip into heresy because you are probing the depths of God too deeply.

The Trinity is defined in the Nicene Creed. Basically the Trinity is the belief that God is one in essence, but distinct in person. He is an individual reality. We believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are somehow distinct from one another (not divided though), yet completely united in will and essence. How can this be? Well, think of the sight of two eyes. The eyes are distinct, yet one and undivided in their sight. Another illustration to explain the Trinity is St. Patrick's description of the three leaf clover. One flower made up of three separate leaves.

The Nicene definition of the Trinity developed over time, based on Scripture and Tradition. The Scriptures call the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit "God," yet the three are also clearly distinct. For instance, St. John gives Jesus the titles theos and monogenes theos (God and Only-Begotten God) and has Jesus saying that the Father and Son are one, yet in his gospel Jesus also states that the Father and Son are not one witness, but two (John 1:1, 18; 8:17-18; 10:30). So John tells us that Jesus is God but not God the Father? Jesus is one with the Father, but they constitute two witnesses? It is scriptures such as these that led to the development of the Trinity doctrine. The Church had to reconcile the Divinity of Christ and the Holy Spirit with Jewish monotheism. Over time, and with the aid of the Holy Spirit, the Church reflected on the implications of God's nature, and even began using the word Trinity by the middle of the 2nd century to describe the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit. When in the 4th century a presbyter named Arius denied the Father and Son were both true God and co-eternal, his bishop Alexander of Alexandria challenged him and deposed him. Eventually the Arian controversy spread, and the emperor Constantine, newly fascinated with Christianity, convened a council of bishops in AD 325 in Nicaea to deal with Arianism. It is there that the Church drew up the beginnings of the current Nicene Creed. In the latter half of the 4th century the Church dealt with those who specifically denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit, adding more text to the creed.

The implications of believing in Arius' God, a God unwilling to involve himself in our redemption, but who instead sent an angel of the highest order, did not escape the earliest Christians. As St. Athanasius was fond of saying "that which has not been assumed has not been redeemed," meaning that unless God truly became completely human, we could not be fully redeemed, because only God Himself is capable of truly redeeming humanity; an angel does not have this ability. Thus, the Trinity is not about Greek philosophy or pointless metaphysical speculation, but about the heart of our salvation.

I repeat: "The Trinity is not about Greek or pagan philosophy, or pointless metaphysicl speculation, but about the heart of our salvation." Amen!
(Info from

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Asian Cultural Awareness Day

Tam Bui invited me to attend an Asian Cultural Awareness Day. It was full of song and history. The guys like to do rap and I have a hard time understanding rap when it's in English, never mind when it's in a different language. But I enjoyed the beat.

We had a little history lesson from three countries: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. While the entertainers were performing, there was a constant video playing. While listening about Cambodia, there was a video playing about Cambodia. Likewise for Laos and Vietnam.

There was one gross incident on the video from Vietnam. A skinny long snake (from the tip of your out stretched hand to the tip of the other)was chosen. A razor then made a slice down the snake. The vendor then squeezed the snake by going down the length of its body with her fingers pressing the blood out. She got about half a glass of blood from the snake. She then drank it.

Repulsion defined.

Friday, June 5, 2009



Slot machines galore
and poker's downstairs
roulette spins lure
black jack's over there.

Cling, clings, beckon you
and senior citizens play on.
Sorry I can't join you.
My money's all gone.

Prayer to Get A Job

Prayer to St. Juan Diego
for A Job
Dear Juan Diego, when the Lady of Tepeyac Hill gave you her picture, she also gave you a task to fill your days with happy labor. It was your privilege and joy to spend the hours caring for the chapel of the Tilma, telling its story to those who came there. Here the time of your earthly pilgrimage passed quickly and happily because you worked for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Dear Juan Diego, please help me find steady employment that my time and talent may be devote to the tasks suited to my nature and ability.

May my hours of toil then, give fair return and more to him who hires me. May my work not be done for mere profit, or just to make a living. Rather, may it be done to make of myself, one more able to honor the Creator. May it be done with reverence and appreciation of the materials, all supplied by God, and only modified by man. May my work be done to enjoy the benefits of skilled and honest craftmanship.

And especially let my work be done to make known and lead others to love the same Lady you serve so well.

Through Christ Our Lord,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Liturgical Dance

My "cloistered brothers" have an ongoing dispute about Liturgical Dance. A group of them have formed a "Sacred Movement" Group, and will perform at our celebrations.

However, there are some brothers, who, upon seeing the "Sacred Movement" preparations get up and leave. They just think it's silly.

Well I found out by reading Fr. Z's blog, What does the Prayer Really Say? that there are some traditions of liturgical dance that have been around a long time. Seises is a liturgical dance and song done on Easter and the Feast of Corpus Christi, in front of the Tabernacle of Seville's Cathedral. If you watch the dance on You Tube, you'll hear some clicking--castanets.

Like David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant? No?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Northeast Catholic Family Conference

Northeast Catholic Family Conference

The Northeast Catholic Family Conference will take place on Sunday, June 28 from 1 to 8 p.m. at St. Mary's Church in Waltham!

The event will feature music and programs for all adults, teens (entering Grades 9-12) and children (entering grades 1-8).

Highlights of the day include Mass with Cardinal Sean O Malley (celebrate his birthday with him), great speakers, teen program, children's program, collecting food for the hungry, great music, and a Candlelight Rosary and procession to conclude the event.

Everyone is welcome!

To register or get more information for the Family Conference go to:

or email Fr. Mike Harrington:

or call:


God Bless you!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Last Walk

We have a walking program at work. It's some sort of "wellness" initiative. These programs always begin with a lot of people and then peter down to just a few. That's exactly what happened this time.

At first we walked around the gym, which we got tired of, then, we walked the corridors, and finally when the nice weather came, we walked outside. We did this for about half an hour.

We concluded with some Pilates. Since I do Pilates, anyway, this was my favorite part.

Anyway, today was the last session. We stop for the summer, or rather the instructor takes the summer off. She said to continue throughout the summer, without her.

Yeah, right.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Council Elections

Tonight was spent counting ballots. We had 12 people running and the parishioners of St. Mary's voted for four people to serve on the Parish Council. Only three of us counted.

It was tiring and took a couple of hours. I'd tell you who won but my head is spinning.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...