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Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My very first Spiritual Director introduced me to Carlo Carretto. Once in awhile I reread something of his. In Robert Ellsberg's Selected Writings of Carlo Carretto I was surprised to see that the last twenty pages were about "Death." I didn't remember that. Carretto lists all the reasons why he welcomes death. Tonight that was my mediation.
I welcome death because I'm dying (pun intended) to see Jesus. Will God the Father look like a white bearded old man? How will the Trinity concept be portrayed? How long will I have to stay in Purgatory?
Who do I want to welcome me? That's easy. Fr. Marie Jean-Joseph Lataste, O.P. I follow his spirituality, which I define as what you are now is what matters. One's past does not define one. Redemption is possible for all people.
Another thing I definitely want to do is dance all over heaven with St. Jean Vianney. I've wanted to dance with him ever since I read in high school that he wouldn't allow dances in his village. I was shocked. I love to dance. I happen to think that dance can give glory to God. Anyway, I expect to dance in heaven--with a lot of people.
I'd like to see my parents again. I'd like to meet relatives that died before I was born.
Geesh! I can make a list just like Carretto did. My favorite of his is "I love death because it give me back life."
Is that just Wicked Awesome"

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