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Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Something happened to me today that rendered me speechless. I was talking to a co-worker about someone who had a child with Down's Syndrome. She went into a rant. She talked so emphatically, so fast, and with such conviction that I didn't respond. I couldn't. I have never encountered anybody who openly promoted murder on innocent babies. She actually believes that if there is anything wrong detected in the womb, it should be fixed. If it can't then it is an unfortunate fact of life but life is for the mentally and physically fit. She believes this because of the tax money that is spent on special education. It's her hard earned tax dollars that are used to support the handicapped.
I was shocked into silence. I won't allow this to happen to me again; I'm going to do some research and have some ready responses to rebut her arguements.
It is important to remember, however, that this person comes from a different culture--one that aborts more than one child.

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Marianne Cope

Today is a memorial for St. Maryanne Cope.  She was a religious sister who answered the appeal to care for the lepers on Molokai, Hawaii.   ...