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Friday, February 7, 2025

The Link between God and Me

 St. Charles de Foucauld wrote a prayer that more or less says he's such a sinner, he can't see how he will ever get to heaven.  Near the end of the prayer, he sees the heart of Jesus beating his name.  It's Jesus love that will draw us to Him and heaven.  

                                                Act of Confidence in the Sacred Heart of Jesus

As bad as I am, as great a sinner as I may be, I must hope that I'll go heaven, You forbid me to despair.
You forbid me to ever be discouraged, in front of my misery--You won't let me tell myself; "I can't go any farther--the road to Heaven is too steep--I'm going to give up and slide back down to the bottom."  Faced with my continually renewed faults, for which I ask Your pardon each day, and which I repeatedly fall into, You forbid me to tell myself: "I can never correct myself--holiness is not for me.  What have I in common with Heaven?  I am not worthy to enter there."  In light of the infinite graces You've heaped upon me, and the unworthiness of my present life, You for bid me to say to myself, "I have abused so many graces--I should be a saint and I am a sinner; I can't correct myself; it's too difficult; after all that God has done for me, I'm full of vices and pride; there is nothing good in me; I'll never go to Heaven."  You  tell me to hope in spite of everything.  I must believe that I will have enough grace to be converted and one day be with You in glory.  What is there in common between the perfection of Heaven and my miserable self? 
    This is Your Heart, Lord Jesus--Your Heart is the link between these two things which are so unlike one another.

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