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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Some Conversions are Hard to Believe

 Please, Lord, teach me now how to serve you with all my heart, to know at last what it really is to love, to adore, so that I may worthily administer your kingdom here on earth, and find my true honour in serving your divine will.’

When Thomas Becket was consecrated bishop, this was the prayer he recited.  At least, this is the prayer, author Jean Anouilh put in Becket's mouth, in the play.  I think everyone can pray it.  Don't we all aspire to do God's will?

Public domain via Wikimedia
Becket had a religious conversion, and it defined his life from then on.  Hard to believe; it does happen.  Many monks, nuns, and other religious, can attest to that fact.

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