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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

 A range of emotions have been washing over me, today.  I have to keep Hebrews 13:8, in mind:

Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday and Today and Forever

It started this morning, as I was entering Mass.  A friend and I who pray the Rosary together on Monday nights, were admiring the Rosary Wall in a small room.  We were commenting on how welcoming and nice that little room was.  Immediately, we were informed that everything in the room will be going out and the room can't be used anymore!

No rosary groups, no bereavement groups, no Bible Study, no prayer groups, no Legion of Mary, etc.  No anything!  Nada~!  We all have to have our groups in the school, from now on.

I was upset.  I guess I was mostly angry.  Don't we have a say?  

I couldn't keep my mind on Jesus.  That made me even more angry and upset.  I was remembering another time, where my prayer group came to have our meeting and saw our belongings, stacked up, outside a locked door.  We were displaced by the food pantry.

That was a shock.  Of course, we could understand how important a food pantry is and would have precedence over a prayer group.  Still!  It was like coming home and finding out that your landlord threw all your belongings out on the street.

This time, the news wasn't as egregiously shocking as that.  Still, I was saddened.  Since I was at Mass, I was trying to pray.  I was focusing on receiving Jesus in a respectful and loving manner.  It helped because Hebrews 13:8, came to mind.  Everything changes.  Why be upset?  Only God is consistent.  I had calmed down, as I walked home.

I also thought of a friend of mine.  She was having a hard time at work.  They wanted to get rid of her, but didn't want to fire her.  They wanted to make her quit.  She was treated badly.  The last straw was when her desk was moved to the basement!  Imagine!  They said she would be able to concentrate better, when she was alone.  How insulting is that! Now this definitely is something to be upset about, not having my favorite room, is not.

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