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Thursday, November 10, 2016

God's Kingdom

MEK drawing, BTW, that's me calling everyone to the Kingdom of God.

Today's Gospel in Luke has the Pharisees asking Jesus a question that is often debated.  The question was, "When is the Kingdom of God coming?"

Monsignor Moran doesn't take Jesus' answer as a future reality.  Msgr. says it's within us.  Jesus is answering the Pharisees:

     ...for behold, the kingdom of God is within you...

Well, since He's conversing with the Pharisees, He can't be telling them to look inside their hearts.  Instead, He means Himself.  He is standing in front of them.  God touches everything, i.e., the Pharisees' thoughts, relationships, the world.

In Jesus, we can live in the Kingdom of God.  That's the closest we can get on earth.  It's not as complete a kingdom as living eternally with God.  But in trying to live according to God's teachings, we are almost there.  When we receive the Eucharist we are experiencing God's kingdom, now.  Through Jesus, we live under the reign of God.

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