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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wine Tasting

St. Mary's Women's Club had a wine tasting. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Lorie and Bruce Hurst hosted the event. We had Chardonnay with mac and cheese. Pinot Noir went with chocolate chip cookies. Dessert was apple crisp and cantaloupe with Cabernay Sauvignon. Everything was topped off with brownies made with Pinot Noir.

Need I say, I'm well satiated.

These wines were from HandCraft winery.  Excellent.  The recipes were good, too.  

Something funny happened during the wine tasting.  Since we all had brought our own glasses to the event, I just brought an old one.  It happened to be from 2005, when I visited the Horton Vineyards, in VA.  Now, picture this.  Here we are enjoying our glasses of wine and I pick up my glass and read, There is evil in every berry of grape ~ Koran.

Ah....another good reason I'm glad I'm Catholic.

After a few more sips, I see that the other side of the glass has something else written on it.  One barrel of wine can work more miracles than a church full of saints ~Italian Proverb.

Maybe it was the wine, but like we say on Face Book:  ROFLOL!  Because you see, St. Mary's is an Italian parish.  

Definition of a Martyr

 A martyr is someone who dies for the faith.  They're killed because of their religion.  I'm reading a little book, Blessed Charles ...