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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Some friends and I went to see the movie, The Help.  I have never seen a movie that followed the book so closely.  It's about the Black maids and the women they served in the 1960's.  It's chick lit and the theater was full of women, too.  I saw a total of three men.  

You can google the movie and read all about it.  What I noticed the most, besides the story line, was the black community, itself.  What a great support group.  Their church was their stronghold.  Prayer was their strength.

Abileen is a prayer intercessor.  She writes down her prayers because she feels God listens better when she writes them down.  People come to her and ask her to pray for them.  She's the writer and God her inspiration.  If it weren't for her faith, she wouldn't have been able to get through the day.  If it weren't for her faith, the book wouldn't have gotten written.  And no book--no movie. 


Anonymous said...

I know this may not be the greatest adaptation of the book, however the movie really did put me in awe! The fact that my Grandma used to do the same thing when she was younger overseas and having friends that doing the same thing here in Canada. I myself didn't experience the life of having a mother or parents in general. I was brought up, raise and nurtured by my grandma, so it broke my heart when skeeter's (Emma Stone) mom kicked her long time old maid out of her house because of her membership on some sort of conservative "only" white org, especially when they stared at each other and reminisce the past.

One of the film's message is "love doesn't have any boundary, it doesn't have any color differences, it doesn't have any status because when you truly love someone, you don't use eyes to see it, you use your heart". That was what I think Skeeter felt when she remember her old Constantine, and Minny when she was served and accepted by Johnny and Celia Foote at the table.

I'm seeing this movie again!

Faith said...

I do think it's a great adaptation of the book. Read the book if you haven't. My book club read it and everyone endorsed it. I went to the movies with the club, too. Again, nothing but accolades.

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