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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

God Encounters Man

This picture of a wall of icons, is from the Russian Museum of Icons.  Icons are prayers.  Looking at one will lead you to prayer.  Sometimes they tell a story, sometimes an image will touch you, and bring you to prayer.  That's what icons do.

Prayer is different for all of us.  Right now I'm having a discussion with the blogger of Adoro te Devote.  We're talking about contemplative type of praying.  But there's different kinds. There's something for everybody.

St. Augustine tells us that singing is praying twice.  I wish I could sing.  Lectio Divina is reading and praying.  The Rosary is a combination of contemplative, rote, repetition, and active prayer.  Praying the Divine Office is joining in a world-wide praying of the psalms that continues around the world, praying constantly to God.  The Mass is the best prayer.  Adoration is important, too.

In all prayer, we have to remember to pause and listen.  Listen for God speaking to us.

If you can't hear Him, it's because it's not time.  His time is not our time, necessarily.  Let God choose the time; you can't force Him.  The mountain does not come to Mohammed, either.  Be patient, humble, and don't worry; He will come to you.

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