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Monday, December 27, 2010

Light of the Church

Can't wait.  This film was two years in the making.  The Dominicans from the Philippines  Province made this movie to coincide with the anniversary of the Order in 1216.  The backgrounds: scenery and props are pretty close to Dominic's time in Medieval history.  The actors are international and aimed to portray their roles to give a picture of the life of Saint Dominic and how the Dominican Order came into being.

St. Dominic as portrayed in the film is described for his selfless love for his brothers and sisters especially to those who need help the most, the oppressed and the lowly.

The verse in Matthew resonates in the film as a conviction of St. Dominic, the words of Jesus to his disciples, “…whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you do unto Me.”
On his deathbed he said to his brothers, “Do not weep, I shall be of more use to you after death than I ever did in life.”
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