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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fr. David Kammler, O.P.

Fr. David Kammler, O.P. is the International Promoter of the International Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic. He came to visit my chapter today. We love to see him because he tells us what's going on in the rest of the world.

Today he celebrated Mass and answered all our questions. We learned that our Master General, Father Carlos Azpiroz, O.P. almost, but just couldn't fit a visit with us, in his schedule, when he was here a few months ago. But he sent us a letter telling us how much he tried to come see us and how much he wishes that our spirituality (Fr. Marie Jean Joseph Lataste, O.P.) could be spread around the world. Fr. Kammler gave us an update on the process of beatification of Father Lataste and the Dominican Sisters of Bethany.

Sister Ann and her liturgical dancers presented a reflection on the Transfiguration, for Fr. David. Mick, our resident artist presented Fr. David with a picture he drew. And we all received a personal, private blessing from Fr. David.

The entire day was a blessing. Deo Gratias.


Unknown said...

Father David. This is Timothy Muise. We danced together in the chapel at the Norfolk prison many years ago. Two times actually! I have been out for 4 years and just achieved an incredible blessing. I need to share this with you. I hope you remember me I was the big guy who wrote to you a couple of times and you wrote back. 617-483-2412. Please call me. God bless you.

Faith said...

Tim please come and bring your blind girl friend to Sister Ruth's Mass and Barbecue on Sunday, August 28, 2022. 1 pm Mass. Call or text Ruth 631-682-3266.
I doubt very much that Father David reads my blog, so don't hold your breath that he will answer you.
Hope to see you and the beautiful lady on the 28th.

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