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Monday, September 15, 2014

My First Movie Review

This is my first movie review, and it's unsolicited.  I can't stop thinking about Cavalry, directed by John Michael McDonough, starring Brendan Gleeson.  Mary and I couldn't stop yakking about it, on the way home.  It embodies so much.  There's a lot to chew on.

We walked in when a man was in the confessional, telling the confessor he was going to kill him on Sunday.  So the movie takes you through the priest's week.  And what a parish he has.  Any pastor that thinks his parish is dysfunctional, has to see Father James'.  What a group!  They all disrespect their priests.  They're insulting and rude.

Father James has a milk sop for an associate priest.  I felt kind of felt sorry for him.  In fact, Father James loses patience with him and asks him why he isn't an accountant for an insurance company?  Everyone laughed at that line because it was so fitting.  I don't know why Father James treats him like that when you consider that he's kind to everybody but his associate.  He even tells him that what he can't stand about him was that he wasn't honest with himself.  Maybe he wasn't, but I think he was trying.

The movie actually was billed as a comedy.  It does have its moments.  But it deals with very serious matters.  I'm going to have buy this film when it comes out on DVD.  It is great material for discussion.

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 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...