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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Year of Mercy

This is one of those Dynamic Catholic books, promoted by Matthew Kelly.  Beautiful Mercy. 

It was perfect for me.  I have little patience and prefer to read a couple of pages for meditation, than an entire book.  Beautiful Mercy has short chapters.  The book is divided into the Spiritual Works of Mercy and the Corporal Works of Mercy.  The chapters are written by different people, most of whom I recognize.  

My favorite story was "Hopeful Mercy" by Mother Olga Yaqob.  She was a teen in Iraq, when war broke out.  She was thrown into violence, hatred, bloodshed and death.  She had to perform the corporal works of mercy, in particular, "bury the dead."  All around her, she saw death and no one to care for their bodies.  Relatives were dead, too.  One man in particular, had been dead long enough to be full of insects.  She carted him to the convent to be washed and prepared for burial.  But no one wanted to touch him because of his smell.  Strangely, she didn't smell anything.  If anything, he smelled of incense.  So, she prepared his body.

A couple more incidences were when she definitely, felt the presence of Mary with her.  Her stories are powerful.

The other articles are good, too.  Think of the chapters as meditative presents.  Opening each one was a pleasure.

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