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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Meaning Well but...

 Daniel Burke, from EWTN, tells the story of his stepfather's dying.  The stepfather was in hospice and people came to say goodbye.  This including, some pushy Christian neighbors who were always proselytizing.  Dan's stepfather was Jewish.

These Christians came to share the gospel with him, before he died.  At first, they were being escorted out, but the sick man waved them in.  They stayed awhile.

Afterwards, Dan asked his stepdad, why he allowed the neighbors to come in.  "They are friends and neighbors.  They have loved us.  What they do is done out of love."

Both, the stepfather and the Christian neighbors are acting out of love.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Dignity of Death

 We are all made in the image of God.  As such, we all deserve to be treated with dignity, especially in death.  In fact, one of the corporal works of mercy is to bury the dead.  

With that in mind, what do you think of all the news vultures circling the pope's hospital bed?  I think it's disgusting.  But it's all for naught, because when the pope does die, as we all will, it won't be announced from a hospital bed.  There's a procedure.

Remember, the pope is the Bishop of Rome, so the people in his parish and diocese will learn that he has died, first.  Then the diplomatic corps, who will then distribute the news, appropriately.  This will be a formal announcement from the papal chapel. 

Ever since I saw the movie Conclave, I've been interested in the pope's death and the following procedures.  I love watching rituals.  

Meaning Well but...

 Daniel Burke, from EWTN, tells the story of his stepfather's dying.  The stepfather was in hospice and people came to say goodbye.  Thi...