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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Blessing of the Houses

It is the custom that those chapters and individual people, who identify with the Sisters of Bethany, pray for each other.  We call this "The Blessing of the Houses."  Over the years, some chapters have closed, and some new ones have started. A new Blessing of the Houses had to be written.  Here is my chapter's new Blessing.

Our Lady of Mercy

MCI Norfolk

Blessing of the Houses

All powerful, ever loving and merciful God, St. Dominic, Blessed Lataste, and all the angels and saint in heaven, receive our prayers for blessing of the following houses:

Lord have mercy...Lord have mercy.

Christ have mercy...Christ have mercy.

Lord, hear our prayers...Christ, graciously hear us.

St. Mary Magdalene...Bless our sisters of Bethany in France.

Jesus in the Eucharist...Bless our sisters of Bethany in Belgium.

Our Lady of Peace and St. Niklaus of Flue...Bless our sisters of Bethany in Switzerland.

St. Albert the Great...Bless our sisters of Bethany in Germany.

St. Catherine of Siena...Bless our sisters of Bethany in Italy.

Holy heart of Jesus...Bless our sisters of Bethany in the Netherlands.

St. Joseph...Bless our sisters of Bethany in Latvia.

Mary Mediatrix of all graces...Bless our brothers in the fraternity of Belgium.

Our Lady of the Rosary...Bless our brothers in the fraternity of Huntsville, Texas.

Our Lady of Mercy...Bless our brothers and sisters in the fraternity of Norfolk.

Mother Admirable...Bless our novitiates

Our Lady of the Church...Bless our Lataste fraternities.

St. Francis and St. Clare...Bless our Franciscan Sisters of Milwaukee.

Risen Lord...Bless our Dominican sisters and brothers in the USA.

St. Dominic...Bless our brothers at Santa Sabina and throughout the world.

Our Holy Founders...Bless us.

Blessed Lataste, Apostle of Prisons...Bless us.

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Blessing of the Houses

It is the custom that those chapters and individual people, who identify with the Sisters of Bethany, pray for each other.  We call this ...