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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Remember Your Last Days


LECTIO:      Sir 27:30—28:7

Wrath and anger are hateful things,
yet the sinner hugs them tight.
The vengeful will suffer the LORD's vengeance,
for he remembers their sins in detail.
Forgive your neighbor's injustice;
then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven.
Could anyone nourish anger against another
and expect healing from the LORD?
Could anyone refuse mercy to another like himself,
can he seek pardon for his own sins?
If one who is but flesh cherishes wrath,
who will forgive his sins?


Being a volunteer in prison ministry, this reading is right up my alley. Ben Sira is believed to have written between 200 BC---175 BC . He attempts to give practical advice to natural problems. Those who take vengeance on others will in turn receive the Lord's vengeance.
      Harboring anger and plotting revenge destroy the person.  It festers and kills the soul.  It is better to leave vengeance to the Lord.


It is hard to leave everything to God, especially hurts.  Experience has taught me that nursing resentment only hurts myself.  Still.  It's so hard to forgive.  Time does heal and after many years, it is better to move on.


Lord, when I've been hurt help me think clearly and remember to come to You. Heal my sores.


Vengeance is the Lord.


I have to work on not harboring resentments.  I need to pray for this.

Remember your last days, set enmity aside;
remember death and decay, and cease from sin!
Think of the commandments, hate not your neighbor;
remember the Most High's covenant, and overlook faults.

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