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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Jesus Flips

 This is an Artificial Intelligence image posted on Mark Shea's page, when someone asked AI for a picture of Jesus flipping over a table. This is the story where Jesus cleansed the temple of money changers in Matthew 21: 12-13. At first, I thought, "I guess we don't have to worry about AI. They can't get it right."

Thinking again, AI eventually would get it right if we asked it explicitly to depict an image for Matt. 21: 12-13. After all, AI does exactly what we tell it to do. So AI didn't get this picture wrong. It gave us what we asked. We were wrong in asking the wrong thing.
We need to do a lot of thinking and thinking again before accepting AI. We should have been specific. Eventually, we people will learn how to control AI.

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