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Friday, February 11, 2022

An Ad

 I have to write an ad for my cribbage club.  Here's the result.

Add Joy to Your Life

Don’t let your mind stagnate.  It is important for us Seniors to increase and keep our minds sharp.  One easy way to do this is to learn a new game.  Cribbage is a game that will help keep you young by:

Ø Increase your concentration

Ø       “          memory skills

Ø       “          math skills

Ø       “         decision making

Ø      “          social interactions

Ø      “          your confidence

Ø      “          problem solving

Ø     “           cooperation abilities

Ø     “           stimulation

Cribbage triggers endorphins, which promote a good sense of wellbeing and improve brain function.  To paraphrase George Bernard Shaw: we don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we never learned to play cribbage!
        Learn to play cribbage to help you function at your best.

Cribbage   cribbage   cribbage   cribbage   cribbage   cribbage  

Do you already know how to play?

You are welcome to come Monday night 6-8, at the Franklin Senior Center to play.  It will super charge your social interactions besides maintain your memory and math skills.

Come see and play!

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