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Tuesday, September 10, 2019


There's been a lot  of talk lately about the fact that the majority of Catholics who don't believe in the True Presence in the Eucharist.  The conclusion seems to be the fault lies with poor catechesis.  I disagree.  Nobody  lies to people.  The catechists teach the truth.  I think the fault lies in the fact that that truth is not reinforced.  Do you remember what you learned in school?  I bet the only things you remember were reinforced again and again.

I can't diagram a sentence.  I can't speak Lithuanian.  I don't remember how to play Canasta.  IOW, I was taught these things for one or two years and then gave any of them a thought.  So it is with faith formation, especially when religion isn't reinforced at home.

Actually, I don't even see it being taught in church.  I remember the Mass celebrant telling us to bow our heads during the creed, ONCE.  99% of the people don't.  Ministers of the Eucharist don't bow or reverence the altar in any way when crossing in front of it. 

And the talking before and after Mass!!!!!  And the worst offenders are some priests!!! 

Small gestures to reverence the Eucharist would remind people Who is there.  This would keep God in their thoughts certainly more than He is now.

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