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Friday, December 28, 2018

Prison as a Prep School

This morning I was reading a letter from St. Cyprian (Ep. 6, 1-2; CSEL 3, 480-482) and this
paragraph caught my eye:

How blessed is the prison honored by your presence, how blessed the prison that sends men of God to heaven!  

Not all prisons, only those which recognize God, honor Him, and work towards their personal salvation to live with Him in eternity.  For example, the Lay Dominican chapters inside prisons.  Presently, there are three: MCI Norfolk, Huntsville, Texas, and one in Belgium.

Certainly, God is in MCI Norfolk.  In fact, I can just picture Jesus returning in the little, poor, interdenominational chapel in the CSD building.  That is exactly where our Redeemer who was born in a stable would return.  It's just His style.

However, St. Cyprian was speaking of his imprisonment during the reign of Emperor Valerian.  An edict of persecution was issued against anyone who refused to sacrifice to the pagan deities.

Well, you know why bishops wear red.

The Bishop's exchange was public and preserved:

Galerius Maximus: "Are you Thascius Cyprianus?" Cyprian: "I am." Galerius: "The most sacred Emperors have commanded you to conform to the Roman rites." Cyprian: "I refuse." Galerius: "Take heed for yourself." Cyprian: "Do as you are bid; in so clear a case I may not take heed." Galerius, after briefly conferring with his judicial council, with much reluctance pronounced the following sentence: "You have long lived an irreligious life, and have drawn together a number of men bound by an unlawful association, and professed yourself an open enemy to the gods and the religion of Rome; and the pious, most sacred and august Emperors ... have endeavoured in vain to bring you back to conformity with their religious observances; whereas therefore you have been apprehended as principal and ringleader in these infamous crimes, you shall be made an example to those whom you have wickedly associated with you; the authority of law shall be ratified in your blood." He then read the sentence of the court from a written tablet: "It is the sentence of this court that Thascius Cyprianus be executed with the sword."
 Cyprian: "Thanks be to God.”

Galerius Maximus is the proconsul.  Cyprian responds "Thanks be to God."  when he learns he will be martyred.  And so Cyprian's prison was preparation to send him to heaven.
Thanks be to God.

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