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Monday, December 31, 2018

Paul Can't Walk on Water

As stupid, irreverent and blasphemous, the "Dancing with Jesus" figurine is, I see God's hand in it. What would He think of it?  Well, He's a big boy; He can take care of Himself.

The stories before the dance moves are good, except for the first story, "The Water Walk."  The scripture story is in all the Gospels except Luke: Mark 6: 45-52, Matthew 14: 22-34, John 6: 15-21.  I will copy the story and you tell me what's wrong with it.

The Water Walk

Make waves without making a splash.

Inspiration: One day the Apostles took a boat across the Sea of Galilee to meet Jesus, who was already on the other side, but waves threatened to swamp them.  Just then they spotted Jesus approaching from the opposite shore--by walking on the water.  The disciple Paul, displaying truly extraordinary intestinal fortitude, reportedly climbed out of the boat and started toward the Master.  It worked for a while, until Paul lost his nerve and began to sink, forcing the Savior to save him.  ...

What's wrong with this story?


Alberto Antonio, O.P. said...

They don´t know Paul from Peter. Sad. Google is good, but like spellcheck, you actually have to use it! This reminds me of the time a pastor told us he had run a race in Africa, with dangerous tigers everywhere! What´s wrong with THAT?

Faith said...

What's wrong is your pastor had a misplaced modifier.

Alberto Antonio, O.P. said...

Yes. That and tigers don't exist in Africa. :)

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...