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Monday, August 7, 2017

Last Day

This is the covenant with them which I myself have made, says the Lord: and my words that I have put into your mouth shall never leave your mouth, nor the mouths of your children, nor the mouths of your children’s children, from now on and forever, says the Lord. (Isaiah 59:21)
As St. Dominic lay dying just outside of Bologna at St. Mary of the Hills, he requested to be taken back at once to Bologna that he might be buried “under the feet of my brethren.” There, having assured his spiritual children that he would be of greater assistance where he was going, he left them his last will and testament: “Behold, my children, the heritage I leave you: have charity for one another, guard humility, make your treasure out of voluntary poverty.”
Be therefore followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1)
O wondrous hope that you did give at the hour of death to those who mourned you, when you did promise to help them even after death.
   Father, keep your word, and aid us by your prayers.
You who did shine by so many signs in the bodies of the afflicted, bear us the help of Christ and heal our souls in illness and unrest.
   Father, keep your word, and aid us by your prayers.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
   Father, keep your word, and aid us by your prayers.
Pray for us, blessed father, St. Dominic, That we may be made worthy of the prom­ises of Christ.
Let us pray, O God, who enlightened your Church by the merits and teachings of blessed Dominic, your confessor and our father, grant through his intercession that it may never be destitute of temporal help, and may always increase in spiritual growth. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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