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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Padre Pio's Bag

A Lay Dominican, Joyful Marcus, requests any literature that you can spare, so that he can use it to evangelize.  Don't you like how they call each other, "Joyful?"

Padre Pio's Bag came about through the instrumentality of Rev.Father Henry Dinayen, a Diocesan Priest of the Archdiocese of Bamenda in Cameroon.  Inside the Bag, which he handed to one Marcus Kejungki, a finally Professed Lay Dominican of Saint Catherine of Siena Lay Dominican Fraternity  of Bambui / Bamenda, were found  Simple  / Small Prayer Books, Leaflets /  Fliers on our Catholic Faith, Rosaries, Brown Scapulars of Our Lady of Mount Carmel...and other Sacramentals. Marcus was NOT told what to do with these items...Some Youth who have come to me more than once asking a question or two on our Catholic Faith kept coming and I found that  some of these items answered their worries...and I started giving them the Rosaries, Prayer Booklets, Fliers etc and that is it.
A Joyful Friend asked me a question not long ago and it occurred to me that I could decide what should happen to Padre Pio's Bag:
==through It promote a growth of the spirit of Christian Unity around me here in Jakiri in the Diocese of Kumbo where I am resident;
==through It get many Cameroonians around me (starting with the Lay Dominicans around me)  to develop a Culture of Voracious Reading;[ I got 2 copies entitled 'Read Me or Rue It..How To Avoid Fr.Paul O'Sullivan,o.p.' from the Bag and set them circulating among Saint Jude Apostolate Members of the Diocese of Kumbo...]
Incidentally more questions have been coming up about our Catholic Faith and I see the need to get the Bag 
==to run as Mini Private Library LENDING Christian Literature FREE to the Public around here;
==to run FREE a public Screen allowing exclusively Programmes from EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network); this should be able to disestablish the harm these pornographic film halls are doing around Jakiri Town !
==to link up with EWTN in the USA and Ave Maria Institute in USA and Canada to make an appeal for FLIERS, PAMPHLETS, FOLDERS, LITTLE BOOKLETS etc to use in reaching out FREE with information on our Beautiful Catholic Faith to the Public at large in Jakiri and Beyond.
I thank for making these 5 Intentions of Padre Pio's Bag reach all JOYFUL Persons.
We do make appeal to any Catholic Christian who has some Catholic Literature 'idling' around, to not hesitate to forward it to:
:                 Padre Pio's Bag
                  P.O.Box 29 JAKIRI
                  via Bamenda, CAMEROON.
 TELEPHONE: (00237) 9704.1933
                        (00237) 7780.7361
                        (00237) 7422.1170.
we will be able to make good use of it
Jesus and Mary bless all Joyful People.
Joyful Marcus of Jesus and Mary, o.p..

With A Little Help From My Friends

 TOPS is a "weight loss" group.  It's big on recognition and support.  There's no diet because it's up to the individ...