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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bls. Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi and Maria Corsini

Here's another pair of saintly spouses. They both are holy people. The Prefect of the Congregation promoting their sainthood said that it was impossible to beatify them separately, since one could not separate their holiness, which they lived so intimately. They are models for all married couples.

They met as teens and married in their twenties. He was Catholic but not noticeable devout. And I haven't read anything about Maria's spirituality. But I bet she was the heart of the family. It seems that once they married they took their religion seriously and participated in many devotions. I've seen this before. Many couples decide that they've grown up, now. They've matured; it's time to be responsible. This results in taking their responsibilities seriously. Included in the term "responsibilities", is religion, especially bringing children up in the faith. What could be more important than saving your children's souls?

During Maria's last pregnancy complications developed. An abortion was recommended because Maria was in danger of not surviving. If they weren't religious before, they certainly were now. Enrichetta was born healthy and Maria was fine. Their faith had strengthen them.

Their family consisted of two boys and two girls: Filippo became a Monsignor for the diocese of Rome, Cesare became a Trappist monk, Stefania was a Benedictine religious, and Enrichetta married. Three of the children were alive to see their parents beatified.

Pope John Paul II assigned Nov. 25th as their feast day. Usually, feast days of saints are on the date of their deaths; however, since their deaths occurred on separate days, their marriage date was chosen as their feast day. Their beatification was in 2001.

h/t Father Kevin Kraft, O.P. and his work compiling "well married saints."

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