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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My Prayer Style

I was reading how Al Kresta prays.  He's the honcho of Ave Maria Radio.  I liked best how he didn't fret over not having a set schedule of devotional prayers.  His life makes a set schedule impossible.  I thing most of us can relate.

He is responding to a series, "How I Pray" on the blog Patheos:

He does what he can, when he can.  I'll add that I think his perseverence is the best prayer.  He called it his prayer style.  You have to find your prayer style.  What others do probably won't fit no more than Saul's armor fit David.

My prayer style is a constant attempt to live and pray as a Lay Dominican.  I pray the Liturgy of the Hours and Rosary.  I do Lectio Divina and the Rosary.  I also am supposed to go to Daily Mass.  Conversely, when I worked, I did.  But now that I'm retired, I usually don't.  I feel guilty about it.  You see, when I worked I went to daily Mass before work--always.  However, now that I'm retired, I don't wake up early enough to go to Mass.  I would, definitely, if I could find a local noon Mass.  But I do try.

I also pray novenas, now and then, depending on circumstances.  All day, I pray the Jesus prayer.  I turn the common ejaculation, O My God, into a prayer, which is an easy thing to do since the ejaculation either calls for a prayer of praise or of despair.

Well!  I'm surprised my style is so devotional.  I didn't think that was me.  I was wrong.  I guess I'm pious and devotional and that's my style.

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