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Friday, April 17, 2015

God's Power Made Perfect in Weakness

The story of Bill Atkinson is very inspiring.  I did a double take at first because the words quadriplegic priest leaped out at me.  I didn't know this was possible.  A priest needs to be able to elevate the Eucharist and a quadriplegic wouldn't be able to do this.  This story explains how it happens.
      Bill wanted to be a priest.  He chose to belong to a community, rather than become a diocesan priest.  In my opinion this was divine intervention because I think living in a community would be more inclined to help their confrere than the lonely diocesan cleric.  Bill chose the Augustinians.
      During Bill's first year in the seminary, he had a toboggan accident that left him a quadriplegic.  The Augustinians thought that Bill could still be a priest.  They worked with him, including asking the pope for permission to continue his studies.  Cardinal Krol, with permission from Pope Paul VI, ordained him.  Father Bill consecrated with the help of a deacon.
       Father Bill lead an active life and was a model for everyone he encountered.  He died in 2006. I was thinking he'd be a good intercessor for all who felt handicapped, who needed encouragement to persevere, who craves hope.  Father Bill Atkinson is the one to call upon.

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