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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Warp World

Warpworld is listed as Science Fiction Adventure.  So it is and more. I would add “thriller and suspense.”  Kristene Perron and Joshua Simpson, are the authors.  They will bring the reader  into the two worlds of the two major characters, Seg and Ama.  Seg is Segkel Erarant, who has just graduated from cultural theorist school.  He is sent to look for fuel for his world.  He is warped to Ama Kalder’s world.  She is the captain of the boat Seg hires.  Their adventures, eventual partnership, and I’m not going into spoilers, etc. 

The novel is long, but worth it.  In fact, you will wish it would never end.  You’ll want more.  You’ll love Ama’s family.  In fact, Seg falls in love with their family life, and in particular their culture.  It seems that loyalty, faithfulness, and compassion are not common in Seg’s world.  Seg saw these virtues and not only does he want them for himself, he foresees how useful they are.  He uses these virtues to win over his enemies in his own world.

I wish I had a medpack.  I wish I had Ama’s lathe.  I wish I had Seg’s confidence, imagination, and luck.  I’m hooked and want more.  You will too.  You’ll see.  Can’t wait for the next installment of Seg and Ama’s adventures.

Read other reviews on Goodreads: Warpworld Goodreads:

Buy the book on Amazon: Amazon paperback buy link ($17.99):

Kindle ebook buy link ($7.99):

Nook ebook buy link ($7.99):

There’s even a raffle for an Amazon Gift Card: <a id="rc-2bf06794" class="rafl" href="" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a><script src="//"></script>

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