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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Within the next couple of hours, I'll be leaving for Besancon, France.  I'm going for the beatification of Pere Marie Jean Joseph Lataste, OP., as the Apostle of Prison.  I'm not taking my lap top with me.  So there will be no blogging until I come back.  I'll be gone for a total of two weeks.  Then I'll chronicle the event and my prayers, poetry, and thoughts, from the retreat at St. Niklausen.

I’m very excited.  This is an adventure.  I even feel like Mary in this morning’s gospel, “My soul magnifies the Lord.    My spirit rejoices.  He has looked with favor upon me.”  That’s how I feel.  Wowza!
I was blessed beginning with Morning Mass at the Abbey.  An old friend was there—Deacon Dick.  He was never my spiritual director-- he was better!  I would go and tell him what my SD said and we’d discuss it.  It was perfect for me.  He always helped me put things in perspective.  Dick lives in Virginia now, and was just by coincidence visiting friends around here.  See—I feel so blessed.
All day friends and family have been calling and tweeting and texting their good wishes and love.  I am very blessed.

Last night, Fr. Frank Campo said a beautiful blessing over me.  My parish prayer group prayed over me.  Before that, my Dominican Study Group prayed for me.
My soul really rejoices in the goodness of God.  I’ll tell you all about it when I return home, after June 14th.

With A Little Help From My Friends

 TOPS is a "weight loss" group.  It's big on recognition and support.  There's no diet because it's up to the individ...