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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Catholics

Summer is here.  At least my own official summer on the Cape has arrived.  At Mass this morning, I had a pleasant surprise.  St. Anthony's is my summer parish.  I found that the tabernacle had been moved.  It is in the center of the sanctuary.  I like it better because now no matter where I sit I can see it.  Today I sat under this window.

It is Pentecost.

The parish was having a festival for the Holy Spirit.  This is a Cape Verdean parish and the Portuguese Club is the place to go.  That's where the action is.

I also feel like I've been infused by the Holy Spirit.  I'm starting to get hyper over my trip to France for the beatification.  I'm leaving in four days!!! The beatification of Pere Lataste is in a week.  

Just think, Father Lataste beatification really started when he witnesses the conversion of women prisoners.  They were touched by the Holy Spirit.  He was blessed by the Holy Spirit.  His work was guided by the Holy Spirit.  Father Lataste's beatification is the work of the Holy Spirit.  You can't hold back the Holy Spirit.  Deo Gratias.

With A Little Help From My Friends

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