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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

Rabbits frolicking

Hello, and welcome to 
Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. We are a group of Catholic bloggers who gather weekly to share our best posts with each other. To participate, go to your blog and create a post titled Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival. In it, discuss and link to your posts for the week--whether they deal with theology, Catholic living or cute Catholic kids. I'm mostly a book blogger so my posts are generally book reviews, some Catholic, some not. Make sure that post links back to This And That And The Other Thing.  
R'Ann, the blogger for This And That And The Other Thing, asks what advice to give someone who wants to start a blog.  My advice would be to have a purpose.  Why do you want to blog?  If you are serious, then be faithful.  Go and have fun.

The purpose of my blog is to preach.  I aim to show that you don't have to be a minister to preach, just an ordinary person can share their faith.  Sometimes I share my day; sometimes my thoughts; sometimes something I've come across, e.i., a poem or a story.

A secondary purpose is that I like to write.  It used to be poetry, but lately, it's reflections.  I try to write everyday, and posting on my blog, keeps me on task.

So, what did I write about this week?  

Monday: -- A book review of Ken Dalton's Brother Can You Spare A Dime

Tuesday: -- My tone, again.

Wednesday: -- The Novena to Saint Dominic.

Thursday: -- Mr. McGregor was justified!

Friday: -- Look Ma.  I am delighted to see your selfies.  It makes me happy.

Saturday: -- Talk to the hand.

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...