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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Brother Can You Spare A Dime

Abbot has his Costello, George Burns has Gracie, Dean Martin had Jerry Lewis, and so we have a new comedic pair in Ken Dalton’s characters, Flo and Bear.  Readers will love them.  Bear is a big, loveable, detective working for J. Pincus Delmont.  Flo is Bear’s girl.  She’s street smart and is the brains in the duo.  Pinky is a big shot defense lawyer, and is Bear and Flo’s boss.  In Brother, Can you spare a Dime? Pinky is trying to get his favorite ex-wife, Willow, to remarry him.  Willow is a prosecuting attorney. 

The main plot is trying to prove that Bear’s high school friend, Helmut Kaufman didn’t kill his brother, Ludwig Kaufman.  Ludwig was a numismatist.  He was killed for a rare dime worth millions.  This case will take Bear and Flo to Hawaii, China, and Tibet.  Bear loves women, food, and Flo.  Flo is smart and has a strong personality.  She loves Bear and is always looking out for him.  Their personal interactions are hilarious.

Flo pulled off her sweat shirt and posed like that Venus statue I’d seen with no arms.  “Bear, you can search the world but you’ll never find any better … If we do stop by Waikiki beach, while you’re searching for the girls, I’ll be scouring the area for one of those bronzed beach boys with muscles on top of muscles.”
      “Babe, two can play at that game.”  I pulled off my tee shirt.  “You can walk all over that Waikiki beach and you ain’t never going to find a better six-pack than this.”
     She stared at me for a second, and then said, “Okay.  I’ll drop the beach boys as long as you forget the topless Hawaiian girls.”

Their banter will keep you smiling as you read.  Don’t forget, this book is a detective story.  Business is business and part of the business is making sure Pinky, their boss doesn’t jip them.  The real business is catching the crook.  In this case, it’s Madame Soong who wants to steal a rare dime.  Politics is involved and Bear gets sick, and Flo has to pull out all her tricks to pull this case to a successful conclusion.
If humor, tension, characters and suspense, aren’t enough to keep you reading, how about learning and a contest.  The author has added some concluding notes and pictures, to enhance the setting.  Brother Can You spare A Dime? has everything.  I think a TV series with Bear, Flo, and Pinky would be a big hit.  Ultimately, Brother Can You Spare A Dime? will entertain in more ways than one.  The reader’s appetite for more Flo and Bear stories will be craving for more.  Just to make sure, the author has added a “cliff hanger contest”, at the very end.  Email him to answer the question.  Ken will choose the two answers he likes the best.  These two winners will receive a complete set of his Bear and Flo mysteries.  The author calls them Pinky and Bear stories.  But I ask, “What’s Bear without Flo?” 

           Let Ken know how you would answer the question and he will choose the two answers he likes the best. Both winners will receive a complete paperback set of his Pinky and Bear mystery series.

The Bloody Birthright
The Big Show Stopper
Death is a Cabernet
The Tartan Shroud
Brother, can you spare a dime?

Five books, each one personally inscribed!

Email your cliff hanger answer to and in a couple of months Ken will post the winners' names on his Facebook page.

You are welcome to write to the author, Ken Dalton at  He has a website: and a Facebook page.

Prices/Formats: $4.99 ebook, $14.95 paperback
Pages: 310
ISBN: 9780578140391
Publisher: Different Drummer Press
Release: April 9, 2014

Kindle buy link ($4.99):

Amazon paperback buy link ($14.95): paperback buy link ($14.95):
personalized inscription and free shipping

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