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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival

Martha (Thank You, Jesus)  

Have I ever introduced myself?  Well, I will now.  I'm a grandmother of two, the mother of three adult children, and the wife of a long suffering husband, whom I think of as my "Martha."  By "Martha," I am referring to the parable of Martha and Mary.  (Luke 10:41-42)  Martha does all the work, which makes it easier for Mary to spend her time with Jesus.  Hubby used to cook supper while I taught religious education.  He baby sat while I went to Lay Dominican Chapter meetings.  All in all he puts up with a lot, and I thank God for him, every day.  As to why I blog, well since I belong to a family of preachers (Dominicans), blogging is how I preach.  My aim is to show how a simple grandmother gives witness.  Hopefully, others will be brought a little closer to God.

So what prompted this disclosure?  R'Ann from This And That And The Other Thing blog did. Every Sunday, a group of us bloggers link together and discuss something like "Who are you?"  (see first paragraph) and we tell about what we posted the past week.  If you're interested, click on over to This And That And The Other Thing blog, and read what my fellow bloggers have been up to.

Monday  --  Haiku

Tuesday  --  I met my friend Kevin, coming out of daily Mass, and he was wearing a tee shirt, that shouted exactly who he is.  I just had to memorialize it, in picture.

Wednesday  --  Book review of Polonaise by Piers Paul Read

Thursday  --  A history lesson.

Friday  --  Jean Joseph Lataste

Saturday  --  Karen Rinaldo

How did your week go?  Tell me all about it, 

Who Watches the Watchers

 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...