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Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Prayer Group is Back

It's been almost five years since Father Diotrophes had a run-in with those people.  A quiet peace had descended upon the parish. Probably because the leader of the prayer group had saved his life.  Although it could have been his prayers.  Father Diotrophes had been praying for patience with the prayer group.  Prayer works, that's for sure.  Anyway, he just about forgot about them.

On this particular Sunday, Father Diotrophes was looking forward to the Women Club's Bake Sale.
He was always the beneficiary of some of the leftovers.  He usually gifted with his choice of whatever he wanted.

Finally, the last Mass on Sunday was finished and he meandered over to the bake sale.  But what did he find?



"Oh, Father Diotrophes what a blessing!  We sold everything!"


"Yes, the prayer group bought everything that was left, to bring them over to the Town's Department of Public Works' Garage.  The town workers will enjoy our baked goods on their break.  Isn't that thoughtful?"

Father Diotrophes was silent.  He might have grunted an assent.  (I think.)

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