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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Explaining Jesus

Once, I think, I came across a Lord Whimsey mystery on PBS.  I was not impressed. However, today I attended a "Day with Mary," presented by Father Brian Mullady, O.P. and he happened to refer to her.  His exact reference was lost on me because he said she wrote The Dogma is the Drama.  I can't find this on Amazon.  But I've googled around and am fascinated by Dorothy Sayers.  She died in 1957, so I consider her contemporary.  In her literary way, she was a lay theologian.  

One book she wrote, The Man Born to be King was about Jesus and so memorable that C. S. Lewis said he read it every Holy Week. She was brilliant.  Many describe her as bigger than life.  She dramatized the gospels.

I definitely will have to read more of this remarkable author.  I am humbled by my ignorance of her work.  My education has been neglected.  


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