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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Here we go again.  It's time for Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival.  This is the day, Sunday, upon which I link my week's posts to the blog, This That And The Other Thing.  Other bloggers do the same.  So here is the one place to go, to read some interesting doings.  We blog about what we have done during the week.  Here's how my week went:

Monday -- I'm still bitch'n about de Montfort's Consecration--still doing it, though.

Tuesday -- A story I made up for my granddaughter.  Four years old and she told me not to pay any attention to her mother.  Imagine!  Four years old!  (Takes after her mother!)

Wednesday -- You do things for love that you'd really prefer not to do.  Huh?

Thursday -- Waiting in the doctor's office.

Friday -- Praying for my catechumens and candidates and I really love those Xaverians.

Saturday -- Not a good start to the morning.

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