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Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Day of Spring

 These blue birds look so tiny, but if you click on them and enlarge them, you'll see how beautiful these little birds are.  The one on the left is not as colorful, so she is the female.  The one below is the male.  His blue coloring is striking.

Neily told me that since today was the Spring Equinox, I could balance an egg at 1:00 PM, on the ground.  She happened to tell me that when we were in a place where that couldn't be done, plus we had no egg.  I don't believe it, do you?

Regardless, I had a great first day of Spring.  The Trail Hikers walked some of the road around Diamond Hill Reservoir, RI.  We just reveled at the signs of spring.  Not that we saw budding flowers, but we saw blue birds, red-tailed hawks, goldfinches, and robins.  The female blue bird isn't as blue as the male, but the male was so blue, blue, especially when flying.  The goldfinches are brown in the winter, but turn more and more yellow as spring comes.

Yesterday, the temperature was around 30 degrees.  Today, while walking, it was in the 40's.  It was cloudy, but so nice.  Walking back the sun sneaked out.

It was a perfect day.

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