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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Plausible Pumpkin

What a pleasure to read A Pumpkin for Thanksgiving by Sue Berard-Goldberg, illustrated by Ann Handy and Judy Shammas.  I'm so used to reading children books for my own grandchild, who is only  three, that I had forgotten that children books can have a real plot to them.  A Pumpkin for Thanksgiving is a good, family friendly story, published by Three Bean Press.

The story is about a lady named, Nicole, who loved to garden.  When
she planned her garden she made sure that she left room for a pumpkin.  When she seeded her garden, she put her pumpkin seeds in a special area with room for a vine to grow.  When she cultivated her garden, she imagined a huge pumpkin, perfect for a Halloween jack-o-lantern.    She watched with pleasurable anticipation the orange squash grow.

However, what we plan is not what we get.

And that's the extent of my spoiler.  Buy the book.

Barnes & Noble
  • ISBN-13: 9780988221284
  • Publisher: Three Bean Press
  • Publication date: 1/27/2014
  • Pages: 32
  • Age range: 4 - 8 Years
  • Product dimensions: 8.50 (w) x 5.60 (h) x 0.40 (d)

ISBN   978 - 0 - 9882212 - 8 - 4
32 Pages

There is a twist to the plot.  Nicole adapts and makes do with what she has (I told you No Spoilers.)  Included in the back of the book is a craft that the family will enjoy.  

Not only am I reading this book to my own grandchild, but I'm planning on leaving room to  plant a pumpkin patch in my own garden.  Hopefully, the Thanksgiving craft will be a centerpiece on my own Thanksgiving table, too.  Five Stars *****     

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 Another free ebook from the Gutenberg project and another Joseph Muller mystery is my subject.  The Case of the Pool of Blood in the Pastor...