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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Resurrected Purple Shamrocks

When I first was given this plant, I didn't understand why it was called a "Purple Shamrock."  Shamrocks are clovers with three parts.  This plant wasn't a clover but it did have three parts.  They weren't rounded but rather pointed.  I think of it as three triangles.

Although this picture shows flowers, my plant didn't have anything.  I didn't know what to think of a purple shamrock.  Anyway, the thing died. The leaves would hang down very low.  Eventually, the leaves would shrivel up.  Next time I looked at it, the stems were thread-thin.  When you touched the stem, it fell off in your hand.  But I was too busy to throw it out, besides where. It was winter with a snow-covered ground. I put out on my deck and forgot about it.

In the spring I was going to see if I could reuse the soil and pot, but by the time I got around to it, a miracle had happened.  It resurrected itself.  Yes and more beautiful than ever.  I couldn't throw away such a miraculous plant!

I brought it back into the house and put it in my garden window.  It was so big it blocked a lot of the light!  Better!  Eventually it bloomed pretty white flowers. 

And I thought the plant was a loser!  Reminds me of “what good comes out of Nazareth” (John 1: 43-46. 

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