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Wednesday, July 17, 2019



Reading 1GN 18:1-10A

The LORD appeared to Abraham by the terebinth of Mamre,
Many times hubby has remarked that company should come over more often because that's the only time the house gets thoroughly cleaned.  I won't admit that there's any truth to that statement, at all!  But you get the point.  
Are we hospital to everyone or only a select few?  We should behave like Abraham and go all out for others.
Lord, help me to be more gracious and welcoming to all.  Help me understand their needs and try to fulfill them.
In what ways can we exercise welcome for those in need?  Help me to see and understand, especially regarding the crisis of immigration. I am open to help where I can.
I think I will prepare more food than needed when I make my family's meals and bring the extra to my friend, Donna.  That way, whenever someone unexpected shows up, I'm ready.

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