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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Prayer for the 2015 Blizzard

Snow up to my mailbox.
Father James Martin, s.j. wrote a prayer that inspired me to write my own.

Lord, God Almighty, You Who created all; Lord of all the elements; God of Refuge, hear my prayer.

Turn the path, Merciful Lord, that causes the snow to blizzard, the rain to fall, and the wind that blows. Send this dangerous storm out sea where it will do no harm.  But if Your plans, which I am too simple minded to comprehend, are not in alignment with my wishes, then at least keep my electricity on, my computer usable, my cell phone viable, my heat operational, and my TV working.

Also, I think you'll need to bless me with the grace of humor.  I need to keep my spirits up to cope with this horrendous weather.  You will also need to help those most vulnerable: the elderly, the sick and homeless.  While you're giving out blessings, Lord, bless my mailbox so the snow plow won't knock it down, again.

And Lord, please listen to St. Anthony.  He's interceding for me to locate my shovel.

Thanks, Lord.  You always come through for me--one way or another.                  Amen.

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