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Friday, February 16, 2018

Saved Through Water

Lectio:     1 Peter 3: 18-22 Studium

Christ suffered for sins once, 
the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous,           

that he might lead you to God.
Put to death in the flesh, 
he was brought to life in the Spirit.
In it he also went to preach to the spirits in prison, 
who had once been disobedient 
while God patiently waited in the days of Noah 
during the building of the ark, 
in which a few persons, eight in all,
were saved through water.
This prefigured baptism, which saves you now.
It is not a removal of dirt from the body 
but an appeal to God for a clear conscience, 
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
who has gone into heaven
and is at the right hand of God, 
with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him.


This letter was most probably read and circulated among the faithful.  This is a catechesis teaching of the meaning of Christ's life.  People who are suffering can take heart when they hear this reading.  Jesus suffered, too, and He didn't have to.  He was righteous.  Yet He suffered for us who are not.  We entered into this redemption by our baptism.  Baptism's symbol is water as was Noah's ark in water.  Both us and Noah were saved by water. And so begins our Lenten journey, especially those catechumens hoping to become baptized at the Easter vigil.


"He also went to preach to the spirits in prison."  Jesus loves sinners.  He became one of us because of the prisoners to sin.  He did not come for the righteous, but for us.  We can follow this example of Love by being baptized.


Lord, this is good news.  Our baptism brings us into Your family.  The water cleanses us from Original Sin and brings us into Your Church.  I pray our catechumens freely choose to come to You.


Lord, I pray for the priest who baptized me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Catholicism is counterfeit Christianity and you are completely deceived, believing in "another jesus and another gospel" per 2 Cor 11:4, which will never save you. For example, Boniface VIII proclaimed (circa 1300) that it was, "altogether necessary for the salvation of every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff".
Face it: THAT IS A LIE. You can jump up and down, stand on your head in Macy's window and scream to the moon until you're blue in the face trying to convince us, but it will never be true. Salvation is believing in the merits of Christ alone, for, “there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). In fact, instead of saying that anyone not committed to the pope cannot be saved, Vatican 2 completely contradicts Boniface by saying, “The Church knows that she is joined in many ways to the baptized who are honored by the name of Christian, but do not profess the Catholic faith in its entirety under the successor of Peter.”

Indeed, Catholicism is a viperous theology that has bitten its members for far too long. Only the anti-venom of Scripture can cure her ills. But she refuses to take the antidote. We are flabbergasted that the laity refuse to wake up out of their spiritual coma and prefer to be lulled to sleep by all of the RCC's unbiblical doctrines! Let's take another example. The RCC has abrogated the original command to partake of BOTH bread and wine, and instead teach Jesus would be pleased we take either one!
They even teach that the Savior never even OBLIGATED us to consume both elements. Listen to the madness of the Council of Trent: "This holy synod, taught by the Holy Spirit...declares that lay people...are not obliged by any divine command to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist under both kinds, and that it can in no way be doubted without injury to faith that Communion under either kind is sufficient to them for salvation. For although Christ the Lord at his last supper instituted this sacrament with the form of bread and wine...nevertheless that institution and tradition do not aim at this, that all believers in Christ are bound by the commandment of the Lord to receive both kinds. Neither is it rightly concluded [from the Last Supper or] from the discourse in John 6...that Communion under both kinds is commanded by the Lord” (“Concerning Communion Under Both Kinds”, ch 1).
To be sure, these are not the words of those under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but rather of MAD SCIENTISTS on the verge of an explosion in the laboratory. They have completely reversed and thrown under the bus our marching orders to partake of BOTH bread and wine, so it is inconceivable they have been divinely commissioned by Jesus Christ to break his own commandments! The Lord said the Scriptures cannot be broken (John 10:35), but the Council of Trent has indeed done just that! No reasons whatsoever, no matter how pious they may sound, can justify mutilating the Lord’s Supper down to the choice of either bread OR wine. Jesus did not give us that option! Consequently, since the magisterium is obviously of the devil, the belief that the Messiah was speaking LITERALLY in John 6 and the Last Supper (as it regards eating his flesh) cannot possibly be true. Instead, all the biblical evidence proves he was speaking metaphorically in those places, and oh....should you deny it, I dare you to invite me to debate the issue.

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